The electrical project is one of the most important items when building or renovating a house. When not given due attention, many projects present problems and failures that can have serious consequences for the residents of the residence and even the neighbors.

Mistakes in the electrical part can increase the risk of accidents, damage the good functioning of the house and generate expenses with repairs and maintenance, cause fires, among other damages.

So that this does not happen to you, never fail to give due importance to the electrical project of your property. In this article, we separate 6 errors that you should avoid when planning the installations, to ensure safety and practicality in your home.

Do not think about the height of the sockets and other components

The correct height of plugs and switches makes a total difference in the life of the resident. After all, we are currently dependent on energy. Other electrical components, such as distribution boards, cable ducts and other equipment, must also be properly located.

An error at this stage can compromise the practicality, comfort and even the functioning of basic aspects of everyday life. Therefore, the electrical project needs to be functional and aligned with the needs of the residents.

Do not consider the needs of the property in relation to electric charges

Making this mistake in the electrical project can not only generate difficulties in the daily life of the resident, but also more serious problems in the electrical part of the house. To prevent this from happening, it is essential to plan the electrical loads of the installation, such as air conditioning, showers, lighting and appliances.

In addition, it is also necessary to dimension the installation in accordance with ABNT standards. For this, it is necessary to consider, for example, the number of conductors, number and capacity of circuit breakers and other electrical protection devices such as DRs.

Also remember that it is not recommended to reallocate loads in the installation without the support of a professional specialist.

Do not hire a qualified professional

To apply a quality electrical project, it is necessary to meet the standards of ABNT NBR 5410. In addition, the project must contain information such as floor plans, calculation memorial and descriptive memorial.

To ensure all technical requirements, it is essential to hire a specialized and qualified professional. Electrical engineer, civil engineer and architect are the most qualified professionals for the elaboration of the electrical project. Each one of these professionals is qualified to elaborate specific types of electrical projects.

Besides requiring a qualified professional, it is recommended that you have an idea of the step by step of an electrical project. Thus, you can monitor the work of your home or the renovation, ensuring the fulfillment of all obligations.

Use inappropriate electrical materials

Another mistake in electrical design is not investing in adequate and quality materials. If the installation is incorrect or if the product is not good, a phenomenon called current leakage may occur. With this, direct or indirect contact points can cause electrical shock and fires.

So, be careful when saving on products! When acquiring electrical materials, it is essential to guarantee those that offer quality, long life, safety and that are certified.

Remember also that the ABNT standard requires the use of the DR device (residual differential) to avoid electric shocks.

Generate overload in the electrical installation

Overloading electrical appliances connected to the outlet can generate serious impacts. This is because the equipment can consume a higher energy current than it should. In addition, the sizing of the circuit-breaker and the conductor may be incorrect.

In addition, the size of the circuit breaker and the conductor may be incorrect. Thus, the high number of devices connected to the same point can generate overheating.

All this can lead to problems such as sparks, short circuits, shocks, fires or other accidents, in addition to spoiling or burning the electronic devices.

Do not ground

Another mistake is to stop grounding, a procedure that prevents the occurrence of shocks. With it, the electrical discharge is conducted correctly by the electrical installation until it dissipates into the ground.

In addition, installing the ground wire in the electrical circuits is also important to prevent electronic equipment from being overloaded and consequently burning.

As you have seen, it is essential to follow the electrical design of your home to avoid errors and serious problems in the future. Make sure you fulfill all obligations and guarantee all necessary items.