Cannabidiol oil is a substance obtained from Hemp sativa, which can help with anxiety and insomnia symptoms. More than that, it has even been proven effective with epilepsy, Parkinson’s, or Alzheimer’s disease.

But don’t worry! This product will not make you high, and that is not even its function. While other products derived from hemp can cause psychoactive effects, CBD oil does not contain THC, the substance responsible for the high. Although it also has medicinal properties, between CBD and THC, CBD is still the most chosen option, precisely because it is free from the state of intoxication.

Did you know that the body possesses a system called

Endocannabinoid? It is responsible for regulating many activities, such as sleep, appetite, pain, and even the immune system response. Cannabidiol oil acts mainly on two of the receptors of this system: CB1 and CB2. The first one is in the brain and relates to the release of neurotransmitters and their activities. Meanwhile, CB2 is located in the lymphoid organs, responsible for inflammatory and infectious responses.

By acting on CB1, CBD oil controls excessive neural activity, i.e. it is capable of improving anxiety symptoms, as well as acting on pain regulation, memory, coordination, and cognitive activity. On the other hand, by acting on CB2, the substance helps the immune system to release cytokines, acting to decrease pain and inflammation.

Main uses of CBD

The effectiveness of CBD oil for some conditions has already been scientifically proven. But, it is always good to remember that because of many taboos with hemp, more research and studies are still needed to bring safety to the use of the product. Furthermore, no information in this post replaces a consultation with health professionals. Only they can tell you the best treatment.

CBD for health

Acting on specific areas of the brain, CBD has been shown to at least alleviate the symptoms and quality of life of those with some degenerative disease. These are: Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, among others, including epilepsy.

CBD will not put an end to the disease, but its promise is to attenuate the symptoms. In the case of epilepsy, for example, it has been shown that the intensity and frequency of seizures decrease during use.

In addition, it can also help in the treatment of other types of illnesses, not only degenerative ones. Schizophrenia, Fibromyalgia, and Chron’s Disease are also examples. Eating disorders can also be treated with the help of CBD.

Finally, another use of the oil may be in controlling anxiety and symptoms of depression. Some studies show that CBD is a natural anxiolytic and can help with the most common symptoms of anxiety, such as: shortness of breath, racing heart, sleep disturbances, shakiness, and difficulty concentrating.

There are many benefits offered by CBD: help with post-traumatic stress, relief from chronic pain, inflammation, and many others.

CBD and beauty

Yes, besides all the benefits for both our health and our pets’ health, CBD can also be in our beauty routine! Although few and more recent, research on the topical use of cannabidiol shows surprising benefits of using the substance on the skin.

First of all, we need to talk about its antioxidant power. Rich in vitamins A, D and E, and other fatty acids, the CBD present in dermocosmetics is capable of delaying skin aging. In addition, it also has anti-inflammatory potential, i.e., it is powerful in fighting acne and oiliness. More than this, it can help in the treatment of rosacea and dermatitis.

Although the studies on hemp and its benefits are already much more advanced in Brazil, the use of CBD for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes was legalized by Anvisa not so long ago. Even so, there are already brands doing a great job here, among them: Linha Canábica da Bá and Ellementti Cosméticos are great examples.

For more tips and articles about CBD oils, you can visit Natural health woman for more info.